Friday, October 1, 2010

Aiding our Enemies, Sharing with Friends

Access to Food, Water and Shelter is essential if we are to expect cooperation from anyone.

Is it unreasonable for anyone including our self and our enemy to expect freedom to access these things on a daily basis? Who is our enemy?

 Should our governments provide what the earth is capable of sustaining in regard to minimum living requirements?  Who is our provider? Who are they responsible to? 

1 comment:

  1. The idea of the American dream and having the freedom to achieve what ever we set your mind to is a beautiful thing until the results of our actions hurt others or the environment. Are the people who have the most the happiest, or does happiness come from doing what you know to be right even though it is difficult? It's easy to say that this is the world we live in and since everyone else is living a certain way that it's too hard to change so why bother. It's also easy to be close minded in daily life and to not think about the reprecutions of our actions especially when it effects someone far removed. Life is difficult and sometimes it's hard to see what is important. I'm not just talking about Americans but everyone around the world who has been blessed with basic essentails (food, water, shelter) and the option to pursue whatever thier heart desires. We our the ones who need to look into our ourselves and decide if we are doing what truly makes us happy. Patience with each other is a vurtue and kindness and sharing cannot possibly cause unhappiness.
    I'll leave the topic of government and control for another time...
