Monday, November 8, 2010

political perspective

Who is to fault is such a silly assumption to a situation that has developed over time and in spite of many leadership changes.
It is our current leaders, all of them, who are charged with working as a unit to provide resilient avenues of choice as we face restructuring of outdated industry and narrow minded expectations of isolated special interest.
Complaining is a popular pastime among those that feel they are entitled. Those that take action subject themselves to cheap shots of juvenile humor.
God bless all his children as we are exposed to our fears of each others strengths and weakness.
A little grace in politics would stand out like a lone tree in a barren field of what was once virgin forest.
I do not blame Busho'Bama era for our plight anymore than I take credit for the bounty I have received from my birth rights here in the USA.
As a veteran I served my country in a time political and social turmoil.
As a father I have hope our collective wisdom will surface to lay aside our individual prejudice and address global issues of our shared environment. please follow my efforts to contribute to shared understanding on my blog. Comment and share your thoughts if you like.
John Lennon was on to something... Imagine...


  1. Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence
    - Aristotle

    One thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.
    - Albert Schweitzer
