Thursday, November 22, 2012

Peace on the Cliff

  I give thanks to the Peace Brokers who protect the children. May I be vigil to all transaction within by domain. I give thanks to others that afford me my needs of body and freedom of mind. The Sea of Contempt is the place of my openness. If you need of me, allow me to know, that we may share our joy with others that surely must be present with us in this time of our calling. When it is time, rest, we will need our strength as you have known through your trials. Be not patient with the truth, there is no time to waste.
  Our ability to comprehend the Awakening of each sunrise with 7 billion others is questionable. I am thankful for this. I allows for the hope that we will come to our senses as has been called for since as far in the past as our legends and literature record.
   Blessed are the Peace Makers, may we all be blessed to awaken to our sorrows.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

War drums

Tightly strung and oiled
readied by the politician
the universal soldier
to what order has he toiled

mothers and fathers
sons and daughters
children were we
where are the next

what will we leave them
of what we have had
will they smile as they reflect
those that live till they are ten

Monday, November 5, 2012

Announcing grant for approved emergency shelter design and construction

  Global Shelter Project’s initial public funding offering will symbolize our need for peaceful resolution to our differences and a practical expression of the need for food, water and more specifically need for the secure tenure for the individual.
With millions of persons threatened with exposure to winter cold, there continues a relative unknown epic battle for the human rights and dignity that began over three decades ago. 
 $2,000.00 will be shared by the individual(s) or group(s) that best address the personal safety and comfort of the vigil keeper and related material present at the three decade old site of the 24 hour Peace Vigil on the sidewalk of the United States White House in Washington D.C.

 Criteria for judgement will be based on the design’s resistance to wind, rain, snow and cold while meeting the requirements of the U.S. Park Service. It is also required that all approved design posses the potential to scale as a disaster relief structure that could be rapidly deployed in emergency and serve as a transitional shelter, leading to a permanent housing solution. 

If you are interested in more details please use the comment section of this blog.

Central to Global Shelter Project's vision is an open source forum to develop and share intellectual property and patents that would enhance the wellbeing of the planets ecosystems and its ability to provide life sustaining properties to the present and projected populations of all identified species.