Monday, October 11, 2010

The excitement of change

Elections remind me that every day I have a choice of where to focus my energy.
This has not always been the case but for the past 6 years I have afforded myself that luxury and I have found that I wish to help loosen the hold of despair on those that have found themselves without food, water or shelter. The other stuff that bothers us we can talk about of course but if you have those things and someone next to you doesn't, take a look around you and see if you are restricting the flow...
Build community where ever your are.
Smile and breathe, your face will thank you...



  1. Many people are working to bring solutions to the problem. Old ways of doing business are being seen to be causing harm to the greater civil order. Change in awareness leads to choices that we will make as a civil society.
    Corruption is being identified and shrinking under the light of exposure. The long range vision of the holistic methodology will prevail.
    Please go to to listen to idea's worth spreading.

  2. I read a story the other day about Live Aid,(the concerts that raise money to feed the hungry). They've been doing them since the 80's. The musician that started the concerts, did so because he saw the starvation in Africa. They started out wanting to raise $100,000. They ended up making about 30 to40 million dollars(not exact amounts), the first concert. Every time they had one after that, they made more and more millions. The one they held in 2006, or somewhere there abouts, they made 413 BILLION dollars.(approx)... maybe 314 Billion.... doesn't really matter. The point is, there are still people starving in Africa. For that amount of money, not only should every human in Africa have food, but also shelter and clothing and jobs. For that amount of money, it seems like we could have bought Africa, moved the continent itself to another location to change the climate to something other than desert, and still had money left over for the all the corrupt government officials to live the rest of their lives in decadent luxury.
    So, in answer to your question, as to why "we
    ignore" the starvation, but look on compassionately toward the families and lives of the trapped miners, maybe it's because we can save them and look on at the positive results, whereas, when "we" raise money to help those who are starving, the money ends up in the very hands of those who are unwilling to help the people in the country they are supposedly "leading" in the first other words, we keep giving the money to the oppressors instead of to those who are willing and able to help. The question in this particular instance is, who took the money,and why is it not being used to solve the problem? When the very charities themselves become corrupt, or they hand over all the money to those who are, people lose their willingness to be philanthropic, because it causes hopelessness and cynicism. Or I suppose maybe they pay no attention to where the money goes, and they sit around feeling good about trying to help, and in that case the old adage rings true once again... ignorance is bliss.
