Friday, October 28, 2011

Freedom to Occupy

As occupations continue to gain public support the shift away from blind consumerism is becoming a pending reality.
The scope of systematic change required to fulfill the dream of peaceful coexistence is imaginable, though yet still a dream.
Access to food, water and shelter for the global population is possible. It will require such a movement as we are experiencing world wide to demonstrate the will, the methods and the resources required.
If you are near an occupation don't just ignore it, join it, feed it or support it as your voice gains a platform of compassionate understanding and critical action.


  1. Charles,
    What were you hoping to accomplish today at the US Chamber of Commerce? I was impressed that at least you thanked them for lunch. I must admit it was unsettling after sharing with you for an hour that you were an occupier.
    If you are really serious about transforming your life and others checkout Let the world worry about the world. Our hope is in the Kingdom to come. God bless you always.

  2. Peter,
    It was a pleasure to share with you the hour and I wish we had time to follow up with our conversation. The demonstration at the luncheon was one an affinity groups strategic conversation starters that continue today. As you know, many companies have resigned from APAC and other organizations associated with the chamber. No ill wishes on any past or present members, but the task of governing the future of mankind should not be left up to a corporation.
