When we help our neighbors with communal chores we develop trust. Patience is then allowed for civil order to be organic in nature. This is self evident as is any simple truth.
See George Whitesides on TED.com
So as we develop these new and wonderful ways of creating structures and habitat there will be lots of desire to cling to the ways of old... Not just from people we trust but from ourselves and those we fear will act to attack our approach to the water hole.
I would like to assure you that if you are of the opinion that others can never be relied upon to cooperate, and therefor can not be trusted that you are ill informed.
I would also like to say that I know many may not agree at this time... you may be convinced that force is the only answer. I would suggest that you come to a comfortable place of being and share some secure space with someone you love. take a walk in nature if you are able. For those of you that speak english and know others that don't please reprint anything from this blog you feel would bring comfort to someone in another language. I hope you will discuss that with your friends and family and tell them of this place WHERE WE ARE ONE.
It would be helpful if someone would translate in the comment section of this blog in every language that its people may find interest in its content/intent. For the most part tell them that we are working on ways to use our discoveries in science to bring them food, water and shelter.
Ask your school if they support this use of knowledge to address the injustices of dualism in its self destructive form. If they believe it possible to meet the goal of providing basic needs to the global population we want to talk with them of their vision.
In their proposal it would understood to address their population at most risk first and how the resources currently vested would be compensated for their support during the transition period.
Individual rights would be guaranteed within the enforcement model of Human Rights in regard to land use and eminent domain. In other words, you would keep your rights, though your individual access may be shared when others paths to disaster avoidance is congruent.
That whole tirade above says only one thing.
ReplyDeleteDon't fight change if change is what your fighting for.
Change is a process that begins with harsh realities that we do not wish to see or believe. As One energy, with 8 billion individual perceptions, it's just a matter of time, and probable chaos , that will allow the Whole to move in the most desirable direction for a sustainable, compassionate, peaceful direction. Staying informed is difficult in a world of misinformation being disseminated by satellites, but fortunately, the truth can also be shared in the same way, and is.