Sunday, August 8, 2010

love and affection are simple acts of a trusting life, animals get it, will we?

Please look at the link below if you would like a simple pleasure...


  1. what a wonderful video of the cuddly sea lion:)
    i noticed it was a baby. i'm not sure she would have survived all that lovin' from a big one. they might be a little bit heavier:) a beautiful experience to watch.
    if, as a species, we put half the energy into loving that we seem to put into fearing, instilling fear in others, and fighting, we could quite possibly extingish the suffering, the wars, and the ignorance that keeps us from our true potential . Spread the LOVE:)What the world needs now is love sweet love (i should write a song) be love:)

  2. The opposite of Love is not hate,

  3. Loving Truths

    "Love is the only freedom from attachment. When you love everything you are attached to nothing."
    from The Book of Mirdad, by Mikhail Naimy

    "Love yourself and watch ---today, tomorrow, always."....Guatama the Buddha

    A man who loves himself respects himself (or woman), and therefore respects others too, because they know "Just as I am, so are others. Just as I enjoy love, respect, dignity, so do others". We are one. Buddha says we live under the same eternal law. .. "aes dhammo sanantano.".. In the detail we may be a little bit different from each other...that brings variety, that is beautiful... but in the foundations we are part of one nature.
    If you live love ,you have to share it. You cannot go on loving yourself forever, because you will be overflowing with love to share.If you start sharing your love , a single person is enough to fill the whole universe with love, just as a single pebble can fill the whole lake with ripples----- a small pebble.

    God is not Love... Love is God.

    from Love, Freedom, Aloneness
    the koan of relationships by OSHO
